The passenger compartment is located on top of a car beam via a suspension system. The passenger compartment is operating in an air-conditioned environment and thus each compartment does not require separate air conditioning units. This arrangement will reduce the required maintenance work considerably .
The NOWAITTRANSIT vehicle interior layout is designed for optimal comfort and travel experience, combined with effective load / unload properties. The interior elements are designed for flexible configurations, and customized layout.
The elements consist of three furnish solutions:
1. Resting device, which are normally mounted with full length along one side of the compartment.
2. Basic seating which are mounted on wallrail, is the most space efficient seat.
3. Full seating comfort. Can be equipped with information display in the back. Different configuration examples are presented in the last image.
A number of passenger compartments will be designed to carry passengers in wheelchairs and passengers with perambulators.
Passenger compartments can also be designed to carry goods.